Resolution Equity Partners

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December 31st,……2021?

We’re asking you to think about how you want the end of 2021 to look. 2020 caught most everyone off guard. If we learned anything from last year we’ve learned that we can never be completely prepared for every possible scenario that our business might experience. While we can never be totally prepared for each and every situation we will experience we can visualize what we hope 2021 will look like when December 31st arrives. When we were blindsided by a global pandemic many of our goals for our small businesses were either slowed or changed completely. Some businesses were able to adapt better than others. How well you adapted probably will have a huge impact on what December 31, 2021 will look like.

As we’ve talked with small business owners that still feel like they are barely keeping their heads above water, we recognize they are tired of dog paddling. Others, feel like their minds are still blown from the continuous changes that keep happening in our economy and nation. The idea of having the energy to plan for the end of 2021 seems unbearable. If you’re a small business owner and you’re struggling to climb out of the mess that 2020 was REP is here to help.

Resolution Equity Partners is a small M & A Advisory firm, focused on building positive relationships with clients for their long term benefit.

We believe that our experience has helped us prepare for such a time as this. Over the years our advisors have been involved with business owners that have been looking to exit their companies only to find that they weren’t ready. To be acquired by a buyer and for a buyer to get funded by a lender there are several things that must be in order. Our experience has helped us recognize common problems and pitfalls many businesses have that typically keep them from being acquired. Using this knowledge we’ve formulated an analysis tool we call the the Sellability Scorebook. We’ve identified about 50 key data points that determine the health of your company. You might or might not have exiting your business as the goal of December 31, 2021, but we believe our Sellability Scorebook can help light the path for your business out of the darkness of 2020.

If you’d like to schedule a meeting please contact us by completing the form below. We have a number of ways to meet while also respecting the need for proper safety as we climb our way out of this global health crisis.