The I.D.E.A. of Resolution Equity Partners


The I.D.E.A of Resolution Equity Partners

Transitions are difficult. At times we are forced into transitions with little to no ability to control the circumstances we arrive in. For example, events like global pandemics, medical diagnoses, and economic shutdowns continue to rock our worlds with very little warning. However, there are transitions that we make of our own volition: college, marriage, and career advancements. In the times we chose our transitions, we make decisions based on trust and expectations. Every successful transition must have a high degree of trust.

We are pointedly aware that in any transition in and out of a family-owned business, trust is important. Resolution Equity Partners (REP) was formed with this in the forefront of our thought process. If you are a business owner who is preparing to sell your company and transition into retirement (or another adventure), you are aware of the need to trust in those who are aiding you in the process. If you are an entrepreneur looking to acquire a business, then you are aware of the dependence upon trust involved in that process.

The I.D.E.A.

I - Integrity - The quality of being honest and being guided by strong moral principles

D - Dependability -Being trustworthy and reliable

E - Effectiveness - Successful in producing the desired or intended result

A - Accuracy - The quality of being correct or precise

These four words serve as the foundation to who we are at REP. Our goal is not to become a huge M & A or business brokerage firm, nor is it to expand our offices across the nation. We are not competing with any other firms that do similar business. We are simply a company that honors the values of our I.D.E.A. for REP. We believe we find the greatest success and satisfaction when we live out the core principles above.

Our team is a group of individuals that share this I.D.E.A. as their focus and goal in every area of life. Having worked in various M & A roles with other companies and/or firms, not only do we have experience with hundreds of companies looking to transition, but we are also small business owners who understand the challenges and importance of doing business in today’s economic environment.

If you are considering making a business transition in the next 3-5 years and are looking for a firm you can trust, we would love to speak with you confidentially and help you find the path that is best for you.


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