A Look Back at 2023

Most everyone defines success a little differently. Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “a favorable or desired outcome.”

From the beginning at Resolution Equity Partners, we resolved to put our clients first, partner with them to achieve their goals, and value them more than our own financial gain. When we do these things, that’s our definition of success.

Looking back on 2023, we can confidently say that it was a successful year, marked by the stories of the clients we were privileged to partner with. Read more about them below.

One thing all these clients had in common was that with our help, each of them went into the sale of their business well-informed about its current state and value.

If you'd like to know your business's current value for insurance purposes, partner buyouts, etc., or if you're thinking about transitioning out of it, we can do the same for you. Using our business analysis tools and resources, we’ll provide you with an Estimation of Value and Sale Probability Score, illuminating areas that can be improved to achieve the best possible outcome in the future.

Have a look at our current listings listed below. If you're interested in buying or selling a business this year, or if you want us to help you have a better understanding of your business's current state and value, contact us today. We would love for you to be one of our success stories in 2024!


Alan Altom


From Uncertainty to Success: Determining the Right Time to Sell