
Mark Kincannon Mark Kincannon

Can I sell my business without frustration?

There are many variables involved in selling a business, including emotions, finances, and logistical factors. Each of these variables can cause different levels of frustration and difficulty. Having a trusted, experienced partner to walk you through the process will alleviate some of these frustrations.

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Mark Kincannon Mark Kincannon

"Chase the vision, not the money..."

People dream of owning their own business for a number of different reasons, but the number one reason we hear from clients wanting to own their own business is, “I want to make a lot of money.”

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Mark Kincannon Mark Kincannon

Family Business Succession

Many business owners have a hard time imagining the business they built being owned and/or managed by someone other than their own family. This isn’t hard to understand, after all who else should own “your pride and joy” (business) other than, “your pride and joy” (children). Unfortunately, statistics don’t tell us that this is a good idea. Actually the statistics tell us that passing your family business down to your children or children’s children is usually a bad idea.

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